High Performing Candidates: What Sets Them Apart

In this article, we’re going to share a few pointers on High Performing candidates, which we hope you’ll find useful. First, let’s define what we mean by a high performing candidate.



Definition of a High Performing Candidate

A high performing candidate is someone who has been coached and found exceptional. This assessment is primarily due to their interviewing skills, and at times, their CV also backs this up. However, a high performing candidate does not necessarily mean someone who passed a job interview. That’s not the main criteria in our opinion, simply because passing can also be a matter of context and luck.

Key Traits of High Performing Candidates

  1. Enthusiasm:
    Most high performing candidates exhibit a certain enthusiasm in the way they answer interview questions. To put this in context, consider the opposite extreme: people who tend to be negative, end their stories on a negative note, or never show any enthusiasm. Enthusiasm in job interviews is harder than most people expect, and even smiling can be a challenge for many.
  2.  Learning:
    Whenever coaching a high performing candidate, there’s always something interesting to learn. For instance, one candidate taught us how to categorize interpersonal relationships into functional (over a feature) or non-functional (personal dislike) conflicts. This approach was new and quite interesting, unlike the flat, boring answers from most candidates. High performers are not perfect; they give hypothetical answers too, but it’s about the learning and the interesting factor they bring.
  3. Business Acumen:
    Understanding the business is crucial, especially for senior roles or any high-paying job. High performers respect time, understand the business they’re in, and are profitable in terms of the knowledge they share. They understand the exchange expected from any conversation, which adds value to the coaching process.
  4. AI Awareness:
    Many candidates nowadays are linked with AI in some form, whether as a Product Manager or a Scientist. However, none of the high performing candidates we’ve worked with were overly enthusiastic about AI in job interviews. They used AI features out of curiosity but never as the backbone of their interview prep.
  5. Grounded:
    Finally, high performing candidates are grounded. They are well-balanced, sensible, and have great listening skills. They come across as not easily perturbed, even if they express fears like getting stuck in a job. Grounded is the best word to describe them, and this trait is something to consider for yourself as well.


These five tips encapsulate what we’ve observed from high performing candidates in job interviews. We hope you find this useful and thank you for reading.

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